education resources
Explore the Education Resources
Access educational activities, lesson plans, and content designed to deepen engagement with our digital exhibition themes.
The following resources have been developed in partnership with National Museums NI, Nottingham Trent University, the History Teachers Association of Northern Ireland (HTANI) and the Council for Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), and are designed to assist teachers in delivering GCSE History lessons in and around the turbulent events of 1974 in Northern Ireland.
Using the Oral History material of the Voices of ’74 digital exhibition, they have been created to encourage pupils and teachers to engage with the testimonies as starting points for the exploration of this pivotal period. The resources have been developed to mirror the structure of the digital exhibition to facilitate ease of use and contain a wide range of diverse and interactive activities.
exhibition trailer
We would encourage viewing the exhibition trailer below as a useful starting point to whet the appetite. The majority of the testimonies are to be found on the central Voices of ’74 digital exhibition, but there are also extracts that are taken from the extended videos that are also available as a YouTube playlist.